There is a person putting blue and grey sweaters in white drawers. The person has a white watch band and is wearing blue jeans and a cuffed shirt in blues, greens, and greys..

Fashion Tips and Hacks: Take Care of Yourself by Maintaining Your Clothes

As you take care of yourself, make sure you're also taking care of your clothes. Good maintenance of your favorite pieces can make them last for years to come. From fixing a stubborn zipper to keeping your favorite sweaters looking pristine, these tips and hacks will help you navigate common fashion troubles, ensuring your clothes last longer and look better.

  1. Fixing a Broken Zipper: Stuck with a zipper that won't budge? The solution might be as simple as rubbing a graphite pencil on the teeth of the zipper. The graphite acts as a lubricant, making it easier to move.
  2. Preventing Sweater Pilling: Pilling can make a once-beautiful sweater look worn out. To prevent this, turn your sweaters inside out before washing them. Washing them in cold water and on a gentle cycle can also minimize pilling. For those annoying little bobbles that still appear, use a pilling comb or a fabric shaver to gently remove them.
  3. Deodorant Stains Be Gone: White deodorant marks on your clothes can be a nuisance. A quick fix for this is rubbing the fabric against itself to remove the marks, or even using a dry sponge. For more stubborn stains, a little bit of water mixed with baking soda can do the trick!
  4. Keeping Jeans from Fading: Love the rich color of your new jeans? Keep them from fading by adding half a cup of distilled white vinegar to the final rinse cycle while washing them. This helps lock in the color and prevent fading.
  5. Storing Boots Properly: To keep tall boots in shape and prevent them from flopping over, insert a rolled-up magazine or a boot shaper inside them. This keeps them upright and prevents creases, insuring your investment will last for years to come.
  6. Leather Care: Did you just buy the purse of your dreams? Keep your leather goods in top shape by cleaning them regularly with a damp cloth and using a leather conditioner. Store leather away from direct sunlight to prevent fading.
  7. Freshening Up Clothes: If your clothes have a mild odor but don't require a full wash, hang them in a steamy bathroom or use a fabric freshener spray. Placing them in a bag with a dryer sheet overnight can also help eliminate odors and keep them nicer for longer.
  8. Stop Runs in Tights: A small run in your tights can quickly become a big problem. To make them last longer, apply clear nail polish to both ends of the run to stop it from getting bigger.

By mastering these simple but effective fashion hacks, you can tackle almost any wardrobe malfunction with ease. Remember, taking good care of your clothes not only makes them last longer but also ensures they and yourself always look your best. So, the next time you encounter a fashion hiccup, try one of these tricks and keep your style flawless!

To find pieces you want to keep beautiful for years to come, check out our selection.

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